Writing Sharpens Thought
Thinking clearly is important because it makes you happy. It makes you happy because it helps you accurately target what makes you truly happy. I will try to test this advice by constantly writing on Substack. Some topics I may write about include:
Res, Zuriel, and I (from right to left). Fellow admins of The Christian Think Tank PH.
1. Two Existentialisms
The Kierkegaardian and Thomistic sorts. The former is the direct confrontation of the fundamental choice either to live or not to live. The latter is metaphysics that builds on the work of Aquinas in carving reality at its joints.
2. Music
I am far from a good musician. But I find music interesting. I write because I enjoy the subject. Occasionally, I might philosophize about it. We'll see.
3. Historical Consciousness
How do engage with historical agents across space and time responsibly? I will write on this from time to time.
4. Theology
Is papal supremacy invented on 1054? Why does papal infallibility matter? Is the doctrine of the Trinity coherent? How doss transubstantiation work? Has “extra ecclesia nulla salus” been revoked?
5. Others…
I do not want to be restricted by these pre-made categories. These only guide me as to what I may write about, but interests expand over time so you may occasionally be caught off-guard!
Now with Dun Hope, a fellow CTT PH admin.
Reader, feel free to critique my work. If done charitably, I enjoy heated discussions. I therefore invite you to THINK WITH ME!